Cost-effective strategies to achieving your development milestones

1. Applied Research.

BENI Consult supports clients to undertake a number of applied research to enhance their knowledge base, support planning and programming and make informed decision making. Our research areas include:

1.Customer /Client satisfaction/ Perception Survey.

2.Product Survey.

3.Feasibilty Studies.

4.Baseline Survey.

5.Market Survey.

6.Knowledge Attitude and practices(KAP) Surveys.

7.Project Impact studies.

8.Case Studies


BENI CONSULT delivers customized quality trainings on practical skills to enable our clients them face day to day workplace challenges with confidence. We employ a mix of in-house trainings, open training, individualized coaching and distance learning approaches to offer high value capacities to our clients in the thematic areas below:

a). Organizational Effective Training.

. Strategic planing and and Management.

. Lobby, Advocacy and Networking Skills.

. Change Management Skills.

. Strategy Fundraising Skills.

. Effective Human Resource Management.

. Team Building Skills.

b). Project Management Training.

.Project Cycle Management.

.Community Needs Assessments.

.Conflict Resolution and Peace Building.

.Disaster Preparedness , Planning and Management.

.Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers.

.Gender Equity and Mainstreaming.

.Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation.

.Concept Notes and Proposal Writing for Donor Funded Projects.

.Result Base Projects.

.Report Writing for Donor Funded Projects.

.Right Based Approach to Developments.

c. Personal Development Courses.

.Communication and Presentation Skills.

.Effective Writing Skills.

.Facilitation Skills -including training of trainers (Tot) and facilitator (Tof)

.Good Governance and Leadership Skills.

.Practical Management and Supervisory Skills.

.Recruitment and Interviewing Skills.

Stress Management

d. Research Skills Training.

. Academic Research methods.

. Corporate/ Applied Research Method.

. Participatory Research Method.


BENI CONSULT consultancies includes:

a). Programme/Project Support:

.Concept Notes/ Proposal Writing and reviews.

. Project Report writing and Reviews.

. Desk Studies.

. Baseline Survey.

. Third Party Monitoring.

. Project Evaluation.

. Impact Assessment.

. Fundraising / Resource Mobilization and Donor relations

b). Organizational Development and management Consulting.
1. Institutional Capacity Building.

. Institutional Capacity Assessment

. Staff Capacity Assessment.

. SWOT Analysis.

. Development of Capacity Building Strategies.

2. Strategic Planning .

. Development and Reviews of Strategic Plans.

. Reviews and Development of Key Results Framework.

. Development of Resources Mobilization Plans.

3. Human Resource Management Support Services.

. Formation of Organizational Procedures (Administrative, HR, and Financial)

. Recruitment Support Services.

. Communication Strategy.